
How To Reduce The Cost Of Packaging Goods

Packaging is an often overlooked extra cost in the warehouse and shipping industries that can make a massive difference over time for owners and operators. Thankfully, there are plenty of other ways to save on the cost of packaging goods. While the savings may not be immediately apparent, these are just a few of the most common and best methods to reduce the cost of packaging.

Optimize On Warehouse Organization

While placing goods in your warehouse is possibly very meticulously organized, the packaging center may not be so optimized. It is crucial not only to package goods for transport but also to recognize how they are packaged and determine if time or space is wasted with unnecessary trips between packaging centers and the storage warehouse. To optimize your warehouse organization properly, try seeking a third-party artificial intelligence system that can help measure and improve overall throughput.

Embrace An Automated Future

Automation is one of the greatest tools humans have invented in this new industrial age. With automated packaging machines, you can increase the overall volume of goods packaged and reduce waste by optimizing the machines to utilize the least amount of packaging product needed. For many automatic stretch film machines, there is software available to ensure that not a single square foot of packaging is wasted, and with the inevitable rise of AI in the workplace, it is likely that such automation will only increase efficiency and cost reduction.

Package Sustainably

There is more than just a financial cost when it comes to the value of packaging goods. The ecological cost also drives future endeavors and the long-term sustainability of your products or business. With modern recycling procedures, sustainable packaging is often the same price as other less reusable materials. Additionally, going sustainable can help you gain a positive reputation, showing potential and current customers that you are dedicated to a greener and healthier future, which is a significant selling point in our modern age.

Buy Your Packaging Products In Bulk

This may not be a revolutionary tip, but there is a lot of inherent value when buying in bulk. The more packaging material and goods you purchase at one time can often lower the price per unit and help you save in the long run on packaging products you use frequently. However, it doesn’t stop just at purchasing packaging, as the more you use a product, the more you can streamline the process and pair this tip with any of the others in this list.

Use Proper Packaging To Minimize Returns And Damage

Finally, ensure that you are using the proper packaging materials so that products do not become damaged or end up returned from the end customer. Moreover, improper packaging can potentially damage transport vehicles and result in returns or fees, cutting into your potential profit margin. Some of the most common packaging to add to protect your goods include the following:

  • Bubble wrap
  • Corrugated rolls
  • Air cushions
  • Packing paper
  • Packing peanuts
  • Padded dividers
  • Packaging foam

Get All Your Packaging Products And Reduce Your Costs By Working With USA Strapping Today!

Here at USA Strapping, we have everything you need for safe, reliable, and sustainable shipping options. To get more industry tips, tricks, and news check out our online blog now. You can do more when you partner with USA Strapping for your current and future packaging and strapping needs. For our complete inventory and to get a free quote, you can visit our contact page to get in touch online now.