Strapping materials have changed over the years, with modern materials making straps stronger, lighter, and more affordable. While steel straps were once considered the go-to strapping material for all loads and still serve their role for securing heavy loads, modern straps made from polyester have become popular due to their strength and lower cost than steel straps. At USA Strapping, we carry a wide range of straps, from tried and true steel straps to modern and affordable polyester and propylene straps. We price all of our straps to be as affordable as possible and can provide you with the correct strapping materials for your needs at an affordable price point. Let’s explore the history of strapping materials and see the benefits of modern straps and the role that older-designed steel straps still play today.
Transition of Straps to Modern Materials
In the early 20th century, steel straps were considered the go-to as they provided a solid way to secure heavy loads with their high tensile strength and durability. Steel straps still serve their role today in securing the heaviest of loads and their resistance to damage from sharp edges of loads under tension. While they are a solid and durable strapping material, they are not ideal for lighter to medium-sized loads due to their high costs. In the 1950s and 1960s, a more affordable strapping product was made from polyester to secure smaller and medium-sized loads more cost-effectively. Following polyester straps in 1960, polypropylene straps became popular for securing packaging and lighter loads in warehouses as an additional cost-effective strapping option. Polyester and polypropylene straps had additional benefits over steel straps in that they were resistant to rust, better suited for fragile loads, and easier to work with than steel straps. Today, when securing smaller to medium-sized loads, polyester straps and polypropylene straps are an affordable and easy way to secure loads for storage and shipping.
Benefits of Polyester Strapping
Polyester straps offer a host of benefits that make them an ideal choice for securing loads, often outperforming steel straps in many applications. These benefits include:
High Tensile Strength: Polyester straps have incredible tensile strength, making them ideal for securing medium to heavy loads. Some polyester straps are comparable in strength to older steel straps but at a much lower price.
Elasticity: Polyester straps have excellent elasticity that allows for them to absorb shock when moved for storage or during shipment. This enables polyester straps to maintain their tension for long periods of time, decreasing the chances of a strap failing.
Weather and UV Resistance: Unlike steel straps, polyester straps are resistant to rust and stand up over time when exposed to inclement weather and UV rays. This makes them an excellent choice for a strapping material that is going to be exposed to the elements.
Ease of Handling and Safety: Polyester straps are generally much easier to work with than steel straps and don’t pose the same risks of damaging a load or cutting a worker as steel straps.
Cost Effectiveness and Recycling: Polyester straps are among the most affordable straps on the market and can be easily recycled when they are no longer needed, making them better for the environment than other strapping materials.
With modern straps made from materials like polyester, securing loads is made easier, safer, and more cost-effective.
Modern Strapping Materials and More from USA Strapping
With more research and development being dedicated to creating even stronger and more affordable strapping materials, USA Strapping is here to keep you informed on innovations in strapping, packaging, buckles, and more. To explore our current inventory and find the right straps for your load-securing needs, contact our team today by clicking here or calling 888-768-0001.