
1/2″ Regular Duty Front-Action Single Reverse Notch Steel Sealer

3/4″ Regular duty, Front-action, Single Reverse Notch Steel Sealer

SKU: SRC 1223-9 Category:


There are two main types of sealers in this industry: side action and front action. With front action sealers, the operator holds them perpendicular to the strapping and pushes the handles together close to their chest. 1/2″ Regular Duty Front-Action Single Reverse Notch Steel Sealer is designed to handle light duty applications. Side action sealers, on the other hand, are meant for heavier strapping applications.

The seal type on the 1/2″ Regular Duty Front-Action Single Reverse Notch Steel Sealer is a single notch up cut, and is designed to cut steel banding of all kinds. This 1/2″ Regular Duty Front-Action Single Reverse Notch Steel Sealer gives you the leverage you need to make the cut easily and safely.

Check out more about our ½” Regular Duty Front-Action Single Reverse Notch Steel Sealer when you visit USA Strapping at 888-768-0001.

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