
How to Maximize Warehouse Storage Space Without Moving

With an ever-growing list of products, less space to work with, and rising land costs, moving your warehouse will often be more expensive and hassle than it’s worth. Technically, your distribution center is out of space when it reaches 85% capacity in the warehouse, shipping, and receiving areas. So, what can you do to maximize your warehouse space without moving? Read on to find out.

Expand Your Stock Vertically

Expanding upward is the most prominent and straightforward solution to maximizing your warehouse space. Vertical racks are modular and can be tailored to fit your custom needs or shifted around to accommodate changing stock types quickly. While you can expand almost to the ceiling, keep in mind to maintain a gap of approximately 18″ from the top of stored products and the fire suppression systems. Furthermore, you can add a mezzanine level that effectively multiplies your floorspace. However, additional space has some drawbacks, as your floor-level racks must be capable of supporting the extra weight. At the same time, your ground floor will have to sacrifice some space due to the installation of load-bearing pillars.

Reduce Aisle Width

Most aisles can range from ten to twelve feet in width but can be reduced by a foot or two per aisle, creating a cascading effect that effectively gives you an extra 20-30% of space. While you must consider the size of lift equipment and guidance systems for automated picking devices, reducing your aisle width by even a foot can help increase your storage space without moving.

Use Your Warehouse Management System And Directed Put-Away

Directed put-away can be used to maximize space by placing entire pallets at specific locations rather than being placed at random locations. This process leverages your management software system to ensure the most efficient placement of goods.

Look For Underutilized Space

Looking for space in locations you never expected is like expanding your warehouse without paying to move or build new expansions. Some of the best sites you may not have expected include the following:

  • Install shelving above conveyor belt systems to make use of overhead storage.
  • Place slower-moving or less popular items higher up and in hanging racks that are less accessible.
  • Above shipping and receiving doors.
  • Trailers are a great solution outdoors for quick moving or seasonal goods that move fast for a limited time of the year.

Add Half Pallet Locations

Some goods may come in half-pallet configurations, and if stored in traditional full-pallet locations, you are wasting almost half of the overhead area. Further, consolidating pallets into half-pallet arrangements allows you to rotate stock more effectively and keep more room for full pallet stocks.


If you are storing similar or the same products in several areas, consolidate them into one location for quick picking and to keep the same size products with one another.

Go Double Deep Racking

Single-depth racking is the industry standard; however, double-deep racking allows you to keep your aisle width the same while maximizing space. The one drawback of double deep racking is that you may need specialized equipment to retrieve products.

Move Overstock Off Location

If you store a large quantity of excess inventory for a few seasonal or low-selling items, consider some offsite storage for the excess, like storage containers, extra warehouse space, or lot trucks.

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