
1/2″ Regular Duty Front-Action Single Reverse Notch Steel Sealer

3/4″ Regular duty, Front-action, Single Reverse Notch Steel Sealer

SKU: SRC 1223-9 Category:


There are two main types of sealers in this industry: side action and front action. With front action sealers, the operator holds them perpendicular to the strapping and pushes the handles together close to their chest. 1/2? Regular Duty Front-Action Single Reverse Notch Steel Sealer is designed to handle light duty applications.Side action sealers, on the other hand, are meant for heavier strapping applications.

The seal type on the 1/2? Regular Duty Front-Action Single Reverse Notch Steel Sealer is a single notch up cut, and is designed to cut steel banding of all kinds. This 1/2? Regular Duty Front-Action Single Reverse Notch Steel Sealer gives you the leverage you need to make the cut easily and safely.

Check out more about our ½” Regular Duty Front-Action Single Reverse Notch Steel Sealer when you visit USA Strapping at 888-768-0001.

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